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今年からの初の試みであるZentra TT講師養成講座のモジュールの1つ「ヨガとタントラの基礎講座1」 のコースの案内です。



“Tantra  aims  at  expanding  the  experience  of  everyday  life,  of  enjoying  and living life to the full, as a means to higher awareness. It encompasses all aspects of life, whether  in  the  material  world  or  that  which  is transcendent.” Swami Satyananda Saraswati


①  9/21(火曜)19:30~22:00 @焼津クティール

②  9/26(日曜)9:30~12:00 @Zentra 高円寺

③  9/28(火曜)19:30~22:00 @焼津クティール

④  9/30(木曜)19:30~22:00 @Zentra 高円寺

⑤  10/5(火曜)19:30~22:00 @焼津クティール

⑥  10/7木曜)19:30~22:00 @Zentra 高円寺

⑦  10/10(日曜)9:30~12:00 @Zentra 高円寺

⑧  10/12(火曜)19:30~22:00 @焼津クティール

Prana and Pranayama

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We live as energy and are always experiencing energy in different forms. It can be experienced as an emotion, as alertness, as memories, as strength, as love - or it can be experienced as heat, tingling, or simply as vibration. Prana is the single life force which combines all of those energies - and many people don’t realize that we all have the ability to work with and use those energies. Join us in this short introductory course and unlock the prana within.

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 Masala wala

Octobre 23
12:30 - 14:00

Upgrade Your Teaching Skills

Integrate a new awareness of the Five Koshas into your teaching, as developed by the Tantric tradition. You and your students will experience a whole new way to practice yoga: your worlds will take a whole new dimension and each moment will become a source of Bliss.

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Upgrade Your Teaching Skills

Integrate a new awareness of the Five Koshas into your teaching, as developed by the Tantric tradition. You and your students will experience a whole new way to practice yoga: your worlds will take a whole new dimension and each moment will become a source of Bliss.

Integrate a new awareness of the Five Koshas into your teaching, as developed by the Tantric tradition. You and your students will experience a whole new way to practice yoga: your worlds will take a whole new dimension and each moment will become a source of Bliss.

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 Masala wala

Octobre 23
12:30 - 14:00

タントラ&ヨガ基礎 2






日程 (暫定 *受講生と相談しながら変更の可能性は0ではありません)

11/2(火) 19:30~22:00  @ZentraYoga焼津
11/7(日) 9:30~12:00    @ZentraYoga高円寺
11/11(木) 19:30~22:00  @ZentraYoga高円寺
11/16(火) 19:30~22:00  @ZentraYoga焼津
11/18(木) 19:30~22:00  @ZentraYoga焼津
11/21(日) 9:30~12:00    @ZentraYoga高円寺
11/25(木) 19:30~22:00  @ZentraYoga高円寺
11/30(火) 19:30~22:00  @ZentraYoga焼津

©2021 by Zentra Yoga TOKYO

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